The law was intended to help open the political process to more potential candidates and to improve the ethical climate.
But the change in Nigeria's ethical climate is pronounced.
William E. Davis, chairman and chief executive, said the company was determined to improve its ethical climate and internal policing skills.
In some measure, Congress's ethical climate will be on trial.
Many women believed that these reforms involved transforming the whole tenor of English public life and creating an ethical and moral climate founded on the teachings of religion.
It is better to create an ethical climate where employees see themselves as stewards trusted with some reasonable discretion over their use of the company's resources.
His recovery plan started with changing the ethical climate of the company.
There was, too, a change in the ethical climate, particularly among the new entrepreneurial classes produced by the Industrial Revolution.
One measure of how much New York's ethical climate has improved recently is State Senator Joseph L. Galiber's patience.
But the ethical climate at the Capitol is light years ahead of where it was a couple of decades ago.