About 1000 of inhabitants of the district are ethnic Estonians.
According to the census data, share of ethnic Estonians was 82.8%; 17.2% were non-Estonians.
In result, the land that belonged to Baltic German nobility, was given to ethnic Estonians.
After Stalin's death, Party membership vastly expanded its social base to include more ethnic Estonians.
This population includes a few hundred ethnic Estonians.
Under Estonian rule, the town population grew by more than 2.5 times, predominantly due to arrival of ethnic Estonians.
Seventy-five thousand people were shot (5000 of whom were ethnic Estonians).
Sixty-five percent of the 1.5 million residents are ethnic Estonians, and close to 30 percent are Russian.
In 2008, about 78% of non-citizens were ethnic Russians, less than 3% - ethnic Estonians.
In Estonia, about 60 percent of the residents are ethnic Estonians.