The ethnic affinities of the Dardanoi, and of the Trojans, and the nature of their language remain a mystery.
In the earlier half of the 20th century, scholars spent much energy debating the ethnic affinity of people in the Chernyakov zone.
But the officer said he had avoided personally decapitating Khmer Rouge prisoners, beacause of their ethnic affinity with him, preferring to shoot them instead.
As a natural Ruler, he was a father to all his subjects irrespective of political persuasions, religious leaning, social creed or ethnic affinity.
These are often based on historical border disputes and differing ethnic, tribal or cultural affinities.
Their cultural and ethnic affinity is commonly assumed to have been Brittonic.
The Russians share an ethnic, religious and cultural affinity with the Serbs.
In most of northern Nigeria, Islam is the dominant religion, crossing ethnic and linquistic affinities.
However, the more general opinion is that the Chato tribe was of unknown ethnic affinity, although they were allied with the Choctaw.
Their ethnic and cultural affinity is uncertain, with various authorities asserting Brythonic, Pict, Gael, or some combination thereof.