As a result of ethnic cleansings, not only were the Azerbaijanis of Yerevan driven away, but Azerbaijani mosque in Yerevan was also destroyed.
Terrorists blew up buildings and airplanes; "ethnic cleansings" continued unabated.
Such a trade would not absolve the perpetrators of the ethnic cleansings and massacres at Srebrenica and elsewhere.
But diplomats and relief workers confirmed a vicious spiral of atrocities, reprisals and "ethnic cleansings."
Mazower says that the departure of the city's Muslims in the 1920's presaged the murderous ethnic cleansings of the 1990's.
Thus, many historians today feel that the Sonderweg theory fails to account for similarities and distinctions with other dictatorships and ethnic cleansings.
Religious beliefs were at the root of genocides, mass migrations, ethnic cleansings and full-scale armed conflicts.
Racism has been a motivating factor in social discrimination, racial segregation, hate speech and violence (such as pogroms, genocides and ethnic cleansings).
One official, reading from notes he took from the report, quoted it as saying, "Serbs carried out at least 90 percent of the ethnic cleansings in Bosnia."
The ethnic cleansings and expulsions in the most recent wars in the Balkans have without doubt revealed a European dimension.