The Soviets skillfully exploited Polish-Ukrainian ethnic friction by recruiting Poles as informants.
As they moved into traditional white European-American neighborhoods, ethnic frictions served to accelerate flight to the suburbs.
That not only makes landlocked Macedonia more dependent on trade with Serbia; it is also destabilizing the country as economic privation intensifies ethnic friction.
His commitment to cohesion despite ethnic and economic frictions was an inspiration for her own advocacy of preserving neighborhoods diverse in both scale and population.
The Kosovo conflict arises from ethnic friction, with Albanians against Serbs and Montenegrins in the province.
Despite the war, ethnic groups in the prison are mixed and ethnic friction is rare, the warden said.
The Ukraine has been relatively peaceful, but this is not because of a lack of potential ethnic friction.
No doubt the Mayor got a boost in 1985 from the ethnic friction that developed within a coalition of those who wanted to bring about his defeat.
The Mayor refused to identify the other districts where meetings were planned, fearing they would resent being identified as areas with the most racial or ethnic friction.
This partnership is key in explaining why Boston has reduced crime even more than New York, and with much less ethnic friction.