They protest against deprivation from jobs and well-being and do so on ethnic grounds.
A significant number of people identify themselves as American Jews on ethnic and cultural grounds, rather than religious ones.
From the start it was envisaged that the school be open to all children, regardless of social status, ethnic back ground, or church affiliation.
A wide range of ethnic and stylistic ground is covered in three concerts.
Nationality will not be deprived on racial, ethnic, political or religious grounds.
The law contains a section barring discrimination on racial, ethnic, religious or other grounds.
After a 17-year era of Stalinesque fear, people are talking and grumbling, often on ethnic grounds.
The school states that it does not discriminate on racial or ethnic grounds.
The French government claimed it was expelling people on legal rather than ethnic grounds.
Should they have been admonished to select their marriage partners on racial or ethnic grounds?