Andrea's family then returned to their ethnic homeland of Italy.
Caucasians living in Moscow have been deported to their ethnic homelands.
President de Klerk has earmarked more than $1 billion to improve their lives but that has yet to trickle down to the ethnic homelands.
Russia is itself a federation, containing dozens of ethnic homelands, many of them agitating for greater autonomy.
But a recent trip to her ethnic, if unfamiliar, homeland fulfilled her curiosity.
All are nominally independent or self-governing ethnic homelands created by Pretoria.
- If you strongly identify with your immigrant roots, a trip to your ethnic homeland could be the biggest culture shock of all.
"Canada will have its first Bantustan, an apartheid-style ethnic homeland."
Naga separatists have been fighting for an ethnic homeland since 1947; an estimated 25,000 people have died in that time.
The Russian federation includes dozens of ethnic homelands, many of them itching for greater sovereignty.