Chicago's rough-and-tumble City Council has passed a measure intended to curb sexual, racial or ethnic insults at committee hearings.
But ethnic insults aren't just good fun.
On message boards, ethnic insults fly freely.
Mr. Ives's dialogue skims perilously close to ethnic insult often enough to keep the audience on edge.
These racial and ethnic insults, used incessantly throughout "Q & A," are more than small talk.
Forcing viewers to experience this kinetic barrage of ethnic insults is not the most subtle cinematic technique.
He said the suspects began shouting ethnic insults at the Jewish couple, who were loading groceries into their car.
Bosniak detainees were harassed, subjected to ethnic insults and humiliated.
She also complained of the ethnic insults publicly used by some blacks.
My shipmate of the past few weeks was a black subLieutenant whose main pleasure was the witty ethnic insult.