As their numbers grew, the immigrants and descendants supported three ethnic Polish parishes in the city.
We are a small, ethnic parish, but the majority of the students were non-parishioners.
Immaculate Heart of Mary was founded in 1897 as a Polish ethnic parish.
Holy Innocents remained an ethnic Polish parish until 1975, when it was assigned territorial boundaries.
In Canada, the first ethnic Croatian parish was established in Windsor in 1950.
Today there are ethnic Croatian parishes and missions in seventeen cities in Canada.
During his tenure, he concerned himself with fostering many ethnic parishes to serve Connecticut's diverse population.
Some national attention also focused on St. Casimir and other ethnic parishes trying to remain in existence.
He also established national and ethnic parishes, but insisted that their parochial schools only teach English.
Although it was founded as an ethnic parish, members have included Roman Catholics of diverse backgrounds, including Irish, Polish, Italian, and Mexican.