Pairing ethnically different school districts that abut each other geographically would allow children to continue to walk to their schools.
The people might be ethnically different from each other, but they subscribe to the same set of values.
Both are culturally and ethnically different with independent languages and many differences in customs and culture.
This is because the researchers may have counted these children as being ethnically different from white Britons.
Evil is far more often associated with pretense and social climbing than with being ethnically different.
Intellectual empathy is the ability to understand a racially or ethnically different person's thinking and/or feeling.
That would help establish a new relationship between the ethnically different peoples of the two Muslim nations.
Richard Wagner notoriously argued that those who were ethnically different could not comprehend the artistic and cultural meaning inherent in national culture.
The Acehnese consider themselves culturally and to some extent ethnically different from the rest of Indonesia.
It is given directly to the ruling elite of Mauritania, who are ethnically different from the bulk of the ordinary people.