Culturally Naga, they are ethnically related to the Nocte and Konyak Naga of the Mon and Tirap districts.
They were very probably a Pre-Indo-European people, ethnically related with the Ingauni Ligurians, as proved by the similarity of the names.
Ethnically related to the Konyak Naga, their origins can be traced back to the Hukong Valley in Myanmar, where they migrated from between the 1670 and 1700.
They are ethnically related to both the Chugpa and Monpa, in which they are officially classified as a tribe of the Monpa.
Iceland: although the inhabitants are ethnically related to other Scandinavian groups, the national culture and language are found only in Iceland.
Already there have been serious protests and what appear to be growing pro-independence movements in Tibet and the northwest Xinjiang region, inhabited by people ethnically related to Turks.
This tragedy would be much more harsher than Hindus who are ethnically related to and supportive of Dalits.
However, the Nga are classified together with the Tagin in all official censuses, who are ethnically related to them.
Ethnically related to the Tibetans, they speak Layakha, a Tibeto-Burman language.
Its speakers are ethnically related to Tibetans.