A number of earth rings have been identified in Sunbury, which, although lacking historical or ethnographic evidence, have been interpreted as ceremonial Bora rings.
However when the protagonists of the universalist position got into difficulties with the ethnographic evidence they tended to evade the issue by using the word "family" in some quite different sense!
But this pattern is not always borne out by the ethnographic evidence.
Based on other ethnographic evidence it was estimated that the total time would roughly a month.
They also question whether the ethnographic evidence presented is costly third party punishment, and call for additional analysis of the costs and benefits of the punishment.
No archaeological or ethnographic evidence of knitting or knitting needles exists.
Similarly, the Lamar tradition artifacts are thought to be related to the Cherokee people of the region at this time, based mainly on ethnographic evidence and geography of the site.
Brown (New World) archaeoastronomers in contrast have abundant ethnographic and historical evidence and have been described as 'cavalier' on matters of measurement and statistical analysis.
Eggan's research has been primarily focused on "Native American kinship and social systems", making use of archeological, linguistic, and general ethnographic evidence.
This is, he argues, an idealization consistent with the 'new' populist postmodernism, but not supported by ethnographic evidence.