Detailed ethnic, ethnographic and ethnological information about the Soltenites is requested.
All these groups have significant populations outside Laos, and the bulk of the ethnographic information available is from studies conducted in neighboring countries.
His accounts of these travels contain additional ethnographic information on the Cochimí.
Mexican toys are also often rich in ethnographic information.
Schneider was also interested in using information technology to store and analyze ethnographic information.
The fourth chapter contains geographic, cultural and ethnographic information on virtually all regions visited by Shirvani.
In it the author collected some ethnographic and miscellaneous information, assembling in particular a long chapter intended as a "history of women".
His work superintending the Punjab census of 1891 contains ethnographic information that is still cited.
Bleek, along with Lloyd, made an effort to record as much anthropological and ethnographic information as possible.
Kolberg also compiled some ethnographic information on neighboring regions.