The ethnographic methods enable researchers to develop a rich understanding of the meanings derived from media and communication technologies.
Researchers in this tradition frequently use qualitative and ethnographic methods.
As a method for knowing the community, archaeologists have advocated the use of ethnographic methods in community archaeology projects.
Folkloristists use ethnographic methods to research cultures and their lore.
Her work combines both ethnographic methods and kinship theory, with more recent approaches from science studies, gender and cultural studies.
The demands of evaluation led to other adjustments in ethnographic methods.
Cultural psychologists generally use either ethnographic or experimental methods (or a combination of both) for collecting data.
The ethnographic method is used across a range of different disciplines, primarily by anthropologists but also occasionally by sociologists.
Anthropologists, however, prefer the ethnographic method, which is broader and does not oversimplify a case.
The emerging methodology used documentary historical sources and ethnographic methods.