Most etiquette manuals addressed calling cards, the duration of the call, and what was acceptable to say and do during a visit.
Many etiquette manuals for riding were published for this new market.
The Web site includes an extensive bibliography of African-American cookbooks, etiquette manuals, histories of migration and studies of American food ways.
They're extreme, as all art forms have their extremist wings - but they're costume dramas, not etiquette manuals.
Most of the rules have been traced to a French etiquette manual, dating from the late 16th Century.
The sheer number of prominent people in hot water has created a new social conundrum: the need for a code of behavior that is outside the scope of all known etiquette manuals.
People still read etiquette manuals today, but not with the voraciousness that they did a century ago.
Ms. Watts, in particular, suggested that the woman she portrayed had memorized and mastered an entire etiquette manual.
Quinn was going to argue about it, but then he remembered that his cargo hold was emptier than a Tellarite etiquette manual.