Pathmanathan offers the etymological link Thiru-Gokarna-Malai or Thiru-Gona-Malai based on this connection.
These people were also known as Nep, to which the name Nepala is believed to have an etymological link.
Finally, there is an etymological link between the Nea and the Temple in Procopius' work.
There may also be an etymological link with the Old Norse 'hrukka'.
An etymological link between the Sami and the Finns exists in modern Uralic languages as well.
This word also has etymological links with the Kingdom of Mercia.
Probably there is an etymological link with the nearby Getakärr, a medieval city that was a predecessor of Varberg.
There may be an etymological link to "bu" - Georgian word for owl, which makes night sounds scary for children.
There is no etymological link between Brendan and Brenda.
Museum of Hoaxes article refuting the etymological link claimed between Whac-A-Mole and "guacamole"