Works better but makes less etymological sense as euchronie (now similar in sound to euphony, coincidentally!)
So you could, in that purely etymological sense, argue that my art divides.
McElroy denies that the novel is science fiction, unless "science" is used in its etymological sense of "knowing".
Furthermore, it would be incorrect to argue that you were using "schizophrenic" in its etymological sense, rather than in its psychiatric sense.
Plays need to be animated, in the etymological sense of being given life and spirit, from page to stage.
Sierck stated in an interview that he saw melodrama in its original and etymological sense, as "music + drama".
If this is a question of "disaster," this must be heard in its etymological sense: the loss of the guidance of the asters, the stars.
Makes no etymological sense, but as lexicographers say to usagists, "Go figure."
Metaphysics is seen, according to him, in its etymological sense, while recalling that sense in his books.
In its etymological sense passion equates to suffering.