Khatwang (Khatwa - Cot + Anga - Part) etymologically means the part of a cot.
Meanwhile, although the term oral etymologically means 'to do with the mouth', in some cultures oral poetry is also performed by other means, such as talking drums in some African cultures.
"Verbivore," both elements of which come from Latin, etymologically really means "an eater of words," which is a much more vivid description, but settles less easily on my ears.
Similarly hilasterion etymologically means thing for propitiation, with Hesychius writing that a synonym of hilasterion was thing for catharsis, while the Vulgate translates it as propitiatorium.
I don't mean etymologically, I mean logically.
Rap thus etymologically means "fast read" or "spoken fast".
Ius or Jus (Latin, plural iura) etymologically means "that which is binding" and comes from the same root as iungere, "to join."
The name Kongu etymologically means 'border' in Sangam Tamil.
Ferrari is a common Italian surname that etymologically means "blacksmith" (from Old Italian "ferraro" or "fabbro ferraro", ultimately from the Italian word "ferro", meaning "iron").
The word "arrhephoros" etymologically probably means "dew carrier", which at first sight does not help.