The case for logging is couched in euphemistic language that never mentions cutting trees but refers instead to "resource management."
If her upbringing was modernist, the euphemistic, portentous language in which she writes about sexual matters seems maddeningly Victorian.
The exact nature of this crime is debated, largely due to the idiomatic or euphemistic language used in the text.
He uses words like 'stranded,' 'dead-ended,' which is his euphemistic language.
The lazy, euphemistic language that has infested the education system over the years has only created excuses for mediocrity to flourish.
Never underestimate the role pretension plays when it comes to creating euphemistic language.
Trinidadians have long expressed their racial resentments and prejudices in muted, euphemistic language.
The explanation of this phenomenon is given in the expression ("Scripture has used euphemistic language", i.e. to avoid anthropomorphism and anthropopathy).
But as a shareholder in major banks, I must assume that the euphemistic language obscures bad decisions that warrant public scrutiny.
On the face of it, this does not appear to be euphemistic language for lowering interest rates.