The bills do have elaborate counterfeiting safeguards, including a foil hologram that, when the bill is tilted, reveals the euro symbol and bill's denomination.
The euro symbol outside the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.
A glossy stripe, situated at the back of the note, showing the value numeral and the euro symbol.
Perforations in the hologram which will form the euro symbol.
Each note includes a foil hologram that, when the bill is tilted, reveals the euro symbol and bill's denomination.
One destination also contained a car, whilst six more contained a euro symbol (€) which added another €250,000 ball to the final game, the "Fortune Globe".
And then there are the untold millions of computer keyboards now in use that do not have the E-shaped euro symbol.
I am certain that with a properly organised information campaign we will quickly adapt to the new euro symbol.
The European Commission (EC) was given the task of creating the euro symbol as part of its communications work.
The keyboard uses color codes to indicate the characters that appear by pressing "shift" or "alt" and has separate keys for the @ and euro symbols.