Additionally, he was responsible for conducting research to promote safety awareness and mishap prevention, oversaw mishap investigations, evaluated corrective actions, and ensured implementation.
It's legitimate, even essential, to evaluate past actions from the vantage point of today, informed by hindsight and applying contemporary values.
In Visual Basic, IIf is not the sole way to evaluate and perform actions based on whether an expression is true or false.
It is related to "goal-fitness," the ability to evaluate and adjust one's thoughts and actions in light of conscious goals.
Clear differences also emerge when Catholics are asked to evaluate the Pope's statements and actions.
AOL said it had a formal review process for evaluating potential actions that affect the privacy of its users, a process that was not followed in this case.
The center oversees mishap investigations, evaluates corrective actions, ensures implementation and maintains the mishap database Air Force-wide.
Additionally, he directs research to promote safety awareness and mishap prevention, oversees mishap investigations, evaluates corrective actions, and ensures implementation.
The 2002 report evaluates actions reported by the Member States and the Commission in favour of small businesses.
Bureaucracy created two kinds of reality, one bureaucratic and derived from internally evaluated actions by knowledgeable professionals, the other the reality of a passive and uninformed citizenry.