Our experts are vigilant in evaluating issues without bias.
Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a process that places a monetary value on costs and benefits to evaluate issues.
MedPAC's mandate is broad enough that it can also evaluate other issues affecting Medicare.
NACo's committees, whose members include county officials from every region of the country, are charged on an annual basis with evaluating issues and policies.
He is responsible for evaluating policies, programs, projects and technical assistance, as well as thematic issues at the regional, country, and sector levels.
Analysts evaluated issues of states' rights and busing as code words for the changes of integration.
This group aids the science adviser in evaluating issues for the president.
Information policy will mark the boundaries needed to evaluate certain issues dealing with the creation, processing, exchange, access, and use of information.
- Mr President, today, on Women's Day, we have a duty to set out and evaluate certain issues in the field of equality.
Besides weighing evidence of murder and arson in the blaze, the grand jury is evaluating safety-related issues.