She sighed, and suddenly he perceived the evanescent quality of youth that her husband Lord Stael must have discerned in her when he married her so many years ago.
Sincerity in a singer is such an evanescent quality that to become aware of it risks exploiting it to death.
It was set between the pleasure quarter's thousand licensed women and the elegant willow houses of the geishas and was called the Floating World in part for its evanescent, irrepressible quality.
Republicans in the Bush White House and in Congress are aware of the evanescent quality of that $5.6 trillion number, too.
Several have the evanescent quality of a landscape seen through a spring snowstorm.
Yet local news ratings depend on factors that are difficult to define, let alone control, including such evanescent qualities as the personalities of a station's key anchors or the jokes of its sportscaster.
Mockability is an evanescent quality; it's the slip-up, the gaffe, the anomalous pratfall.
Regardless of the subject, his poems come from what Hoey has described as an "erotics of loss," exploring the evanescent and fleeting quality of life.
But the show misses the evanescent, otherworldly quality so endemic to the work of Anouilh and to "Mlle.
There is no more evanescent quality in an accomplished fact than its wonderfulness.