They meet in stadiums and have Christian music bands play followed by an evangelical message normally given by Greg Laurie.
Tension exists between religious pluralism and the evangelical message of Christianity.
The service mainly consists of an evangelical message and predictions of what is to come, all outlined by Rayford himself.
The movement rebelled against liberal theology, including liberal Grundtvigianism focusing on preaching an evangelical message and rejecting activist or idealist notions.
It seems that Christian missionaries have infiltrated the pin trade and are handing out pins with evangelical messages.
In 1973, he went further, licensing Archie for evangelical Christian messages.
The handouts, along with helping people, are another way of spreading the evangelical message.
Cardinal William Henry Keeler, archbishop of Baltimore, said the church should more assertively use modern media and technology to spread its evangelical message.
Even if they were not spreading an "evangelical" message, the books were still intended to promote proper conduct.
The show is a dazzling medium for an evangelical message.