Still, something like a liquid soap left exposed to the air might get gummy from evaporative loss of water in the soap.
Homeowners should sprinkle earlier in the morning or in the evening when evaporative losses are greatly reduced.
Effects of soil texture on evaporative loss and available water in semi-arid climates.
The compound also has an appropriate boiling point of 92 C which prevents evaporative losses, yet is easily removed.
Hot tub covers have been shown to reduce most if not all of the evaporative losses from the pool when not in use.
Use an excess of ammonia to cover evaporative losses.
"The evaporative loss and cooling of the airways triggers the process of bronchial constriction," he says.
The warmer the water, the greater the rate of evaporative loss.
As you might suspect, evaporative loss from ice (though possible) is very slow.
Non-pharmacological treatment: In the absence of sweat, cold-water sprays and wet towels can be used increase the evaporative loss of heat from the skin.