The driver yanked the steering wheel into an evasive turn, but the jeep was much too close and the huge shotgun was an area weapon.
Kira tried a couple of line-of-sight shots, but the attackers were moving too quickly, making random evasive turns.
This started the Beech in a series of radical evasive turns.
The pirate continued its evasive turn, but Sea Sprite, more nimble by far, cut right inside her angle, closing even more rapidly.
Consecutive right and left evasive turns did not make any difference; the missile kept on closing.
Two more twisting evasive turns, and I was in the empty horse stall next to the pit.
Jackson threw his fighter into a violent evasive turn to the left.
The Tholian ships seemed slow to respond, likely because they had expected the Bombay to make an evasive turn rather than an attack charge.
Unlike the Enterprise it made no evasive turns, accepting a second torpedo hit as it closed the range between itself and the Federation vessel.
By turns high-spirited, sly and evasive, he makes the most of this bafflingly underwritten role.