An evening curfew in one Azerbaijani city, Sumgait, was lifted only today.
In Carletonville, the Conservative town council is investigating the possibility of imposing evening curfews on blacks.
The government has since beefed up military fortifications around Bujumbura and briefly tightened an evening curfew.
The evening curfew has just begun.
A flutist circulated playing a Turkish melody called a coupe jambe - French for leg cut - to announce the evening curfew.
In the days when men were enslaved, it had been used to announce the evening curfew; anyone found abroad after that time was subject to instant execution.
By the end of the month, state officials imposed an evening curfew on the plaza.
For every missed minute of evening curfew, an extra hour of work will be added to your day.
In another, offenders who do well in a halfway house before release have their release dates advanced but must comply with an evening curfew.
The bell has rung out the evening curfew, now only ceremonially, for over five hundred years.