Graine picked up the bridles, trailing the reins so the leather darkened in the evening dew.
The peak of the mainsail came slowly, and with difficulty, for the halyard had swollen with the evening dew.
It was moist with the evening dew and twice he nearly lost his grip.
The wind, as he stopped to sniff it, was reassuring, carrying only the scents of evening dew, may and cow-dung.
Up, up I climbed over the scraggly rocks, slippery from the evening dew.
The rocks were damp from the evening dew, and slippery.
Because of one chance meeting by the wayside The flower now opens in the evening dew.
'Be moist with evening dews,' you say to my sleeves?
Where his feet touched the cobbles blue sparks crackled and evaporated the early evening dew.
Her skin as lush as a rose petal drenched in evening dew.