They almost forgot what was going to happen that evening as they had their picnic supper and played about with the dogs and Miranda.
The club was founded in 1970 by a group of local men who would meet up most evenings to play a game of football.
One evening while watching television, several of his "visions" play out before him on a local documentary entitled "America Past & Present".
The following evening at 8, the Greg Packham Group will play big band jazz.
From now on we play in Bifrost Lounge, afternoons when your work is done and evenings.
He spent mornings with them at the shooting range and evenings playing video games.
Montreal was 0 for 3 on its power plays this evening, and 0 for 16 in the series.
During the 1980s, young children occasionally unwittingly perplexed and embarrassed their teachers by telling them they had spent an evening "playing Streaker".
That evening, as they watched television, then played a three-way game of Scrabble on the living-room floor, the dog continued to seek attention.
However in 1957 he re-established contact with Nina at her parents' home and one evening played his guitar for her.