Mr. Dinkins's itinerary also included an evening rally attended by more than 1,000 young Democrats for Dinkins.
In Guildford on 24 June an evening rally was held, with enjoyable classes, a cheese-and-wine super, and a display programme.
Each bill could be exchanged for a bottle of wine and a fried bean sandwich at the evening rally.
In Harrisburg, a thunderous evening rally drew some 15,000 people to the foot of the lighted State Capitol.
"It takes two elections to make a revolution real," he proclaimed at the evening rally in Tukwila.
"I grew up in the rural South," Mr. Edwards said after an evening rally in Columbus.
But returning now from an evening rally, Buchanan is warming to the term.
He mentioned Mr. Quayle at one evening rally in Little Rock, Ark., but only after it was too late to make network television broadcasts.
Following the ceremony, an evening rally of more than 1,000 people in Oslo called for Liu's release.
At the evening rally, about 20 abortion-rights advocates stood outside the church parking lot and shouted at the rally leaders.