Within the genus, the first evolutionary event arose probably between 12.41 and 15.39 million years ago.
A few days later, however, events arose which made even Harold's marriage a secondary consideration.
The shocking events and the problems that arise forms the crux of the story.
The explosion of animals is an uncommon event arising through natural causes or human activity.
Both these events arose from the performing arts festival.
Many threatening events arise from social disadvantage (financial, housing, employment).
No one has died in an event arising from a fire in the City in the last four years prior to 2007.
And if the unlikely event does arise, then obviously you'll have a full veto authority over anyone in the airlock tube.
The probabilities of a range of 'top events' arising from the initial event can then be seen.
In terms of any future events, let's wait until future events arise.