The network covered Tara Lipinski's first practice session, Michelle Kwan's first practice session and, as the postponed events built up, what seemed like every practice session of every skater at the Olympics.
In the events building up to and following Gail and Chuck's wedding, marital love quickly sours into resentment and Bonnie and Jay's resentment blossoms into an overpowering attraction.
But how were we, at Middleham, to know that momentous events were building up to a climax which would change our' lives?
The formula is deceptively simple: officers are visible in good times as well as bad; there is a contact list of leaders to ward off rumors and keep things calm during crises; events like picnics and parties build up good will.
That understanding will be evident to the viewer, as the dramatization, particularly during its first 90 minutes, builds up a wash of details, some of which prefigure later events, others of which are merely the ordinary components of everyday lives.
I have tried to find reasons why we have such a pessimistic view and what events in the past built up to this.
These events build up to a House Cup which is awarded at the end of each year.
Races at the "Sprint Car Capital of the World" are held on Saturday nights though some special events may start as early as Wednesday and build up to Saturday.
From the start, events had built up in rapid succession to that amazing climax, the total disappearance of the Barracuda.
The film depicts the events building up to the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, and "presents its title character as Lincoln's worthy successor who runs afoul of vindictive Radical Republicans."