The words, the events compel readers to race ahead, tearing through whole passages at twice normal speed.
Those events compelled the international community to develop a greater understanding of the urgent need for comprehensive reproductive health services for refugees.
The events of the last seven hours compel us to change this policy.
Two other events compelled Eugène to relinquish his hold on Illyria.
But yesterday's events compel me to.
The events of 1823 compelled his flight into France to Limoges where he was interned.
I knew it from an eerie time long past when dreadful events compelled me to learn Morse.
That monumental event in my life compelled me to re-examine in detail my work of ten years.
Where security is concerned, the events of recent years have compelled us to make the combating of terrorism a priority.
Recent events in the region have compelled the U.N. to send in more troops to enforce the ceasefire.