It is said that this event constitutes the first step in the struggle for the recognition of the 1915 genocide.
These two events constitute the beginning of the media's acceptance of the term soul.
All events that are remembered and preserved in some authentic form constitute the historical record.
These events constituted the pivot of her life.
These events and roles do not necessarily proceed in a given sequence, but rather constitute the sum total of the person's actual experience.
This investigation concluded that the events on March 21 constituted a massacre and mob action by the police.
Determining what historical events constitute a genocide and which are merely criminal or inhuman behavior is not a clear-cut matter.
Furthermore, the report continued, "it is likely to be confirmed in court under due process of law that these events constitute genocide."
The events in and around Performa 05 constitute a strike against that disappearing.
The events that followed it were painfully public, however, and probably constituted a turning point in the relationship between religion and Presidential elections.