Given an initial set of conditions the model is run in order to see how closely the real and simulated events correspond.
Pre-planned tests indicate that many "global events" do correspond to deviations from randomness in the data.
These events correspond to what people do in real life - they come together at a wedding or a funeral, and then they separate.
The events in the visual cortex correspond in some way (see later) to perception of the flower.
However, not all events have corresponded with the release of a film based on a comic book.
The recent events at United correspond to that thinking.
The 11n different events we want to avoid correspond to the 11n pairs of adjacent points on the circle.
He also believed that events and characters in the plays must correspond to the life of the author.
The 23 independent events correspond to the 23 people, and can be defined in order.
The events on which the income is based generally correspond to the principles of legality and adequacy.