It was, for many years, Puerto Rico's largest event facility, and it continues being one of the largest.
The property is undergoing restoration for community and campus use, and has been retrofitted to serve the larger community as an event facility.
Smaller event facility at the Olympic Hall for up to 1,000 seated individuals, according to stage size.
The centre also offers programs for all ages, the Isaac Waldman library, and recreational, arts and event facilities.
Today it is considered one of Dortmund's central places, in which creative catering and event facilities are offered.
The castle dates to the Late Middle Ages and houses the museum's headquarters, administration and event facilities.
A historical point of interest, it is currently used as an event facility.
It opened in November 2004 and has been described as the "second largest meeting and event facility in Western Washington".
The Polyforum is a multiple event facility dedicated to cultural, political and social events.
This 108 room hotel and convention center is equipped with modern amenities and event facilities of a deluxe hotel.