Davis Entertainment Television is currently developing numerous series and event films for network and cable outlets.
In 2007, Winstead appeared in a pair of high-profile event films.
Sensurround made Earthquake a popular "event" film in 1974 and one of the year's highest-grossing films.
"The Fifth Element" probably uses more computer-generated imagery than any other event film this summer.
Christopher Nolan had never directed a costly event film before "Batman Begins."
After the success of Jaws, many Hollywood producers attempted to create similar "event films" with wide commercial appeal.
They thought it more profitable to dump "event films" onto a vast supply of multiplex screens, for runs that peter out after a few weeks.
They are basically in the business of event films.
Audiences still flock to costly, heavily advertised "event" films no matter how disappointing those films turn out to be.
Now the company is producing what it calls "event" films.