As for taking the sign down, few events can match the Ritz-Carlton dust-up earlier this year.
However, the earlier event matched small college teams, so the Outback Bowl was the first major bowl game to be played in the area.
"While ratings are decreasing, few events can match the interest of fans in this tournament," he said.
If one were to ask which event matched the political winds now blowing in Spain, the outdoor concert would have won hands down.
The first events were women's football (soccer) matches.
In addition, some events in the film do not match those of the novel exactly, and there are also differences in Lolita's character.
No other event can match it.
But for sheer personal drama, no event can match the time he almost lost his first job there - before he even showed up for work.
The hype was phenomenal, and the event matched the hoopla.
But perhaps no event matched the production of the Hollywood film "Wings" in 1926.