It's also interesting to see how quickly events recede in the mind.
As the tragic events of the war receded, the Polish public became tired of the mandatory dark, tragic tone of previous television series and films dealing with wartime events.
Ms. Lipstadt worries that eventually, as the last of the Holocaust survivors die off and the event recedes further into the past, some revisionist notions could enter into mainstream history.
Since then, the events of that day, Jan. 19, 1975, have receded in her memory, but the need to know her anonymous rescuer grew stronger.
These events had receded from memory and were generally forgotten until a history class in the Rattan Public School began pursuing information about them.
The farther the events recede in time, the freer literature is to deal with them, to impose the imagination on what was once unmanageably real.
Discussion increases as the event recedes.
And as the event receded into the past, it became easier to believe he had fallen asleep and dreamed the whole thing.
These painful events have now receded into the past.
The events of the previous afternoon, and the restless tormented night which had followed, had receded a little, dreamlike, now that it was day.