The event shared the weekend with the Superleague Formula series.
Columbia's "All the King's Men" event shared a similar background.
The events shared some resources, with notable guests listed in the program guides of both events.
While differences exist, both events share a fundamental objective: to make America's constitutional guarantees work for all citizens.
The two events had long shared a small patch of calendar around, or soon after, New Year's Day.
If the two events share a vibe, though, they don't share a cause, Mr. Grom said.
The event shared the weekend with the final round of the Brazilian GT Championship.
The other events share parts of the course but staggered starts ease congestion.
Though Follett manages to bundle all these together, the events the characters share while travelling with the clipper are still told through the perspectives introduced before.
The event shared the weekend with the TC 2000.