Those two events, for the next few years at least, will transform what had been a dynamic growth- and investment-oriented business into a more defensive, cautious industry.
The event transformed Sante from a Florentine popolano into the virtual prince of Bologna.
The story of how extraordinary events transform an ordinary man into a hero is always an appealing one.
This event forever changed the face of Sacramento and transformed it from a tranquil wilderness outpost into the center stage for prospector dreams and ambitions.
These events transformed human consciousness; each also involved an abundant share of tragedy.
A fateful event, however, transforms forever the life of Marcus passes the rest of his life waiting for "a miracle that never happened."
But in the eighth century events transformed the situation.
We'll follow the events as maggots, moulds, bacteria, flies and mushrooms transform the contents beyond all recognition.
Which historical events transformed the USA into the nation it is today?
This event transformed Spokane's downtown, removing a century of railroad industry that built the city and reinventing the urban core.