"The events during the period, and since the reporting period, totally undermine the credibility of this report," Mr. Lantos added in an interview.
Events deemed internally controlling events are experienced as pressure toward specific outcomes and undermine intrinsic motivation.
But the event which caused his promotion also undermined the stability of the Cabinet which he joined.
Such events must have undermined even Prokofiev's naive, self-centred confidence.
Even events of the past few years have not undermined American economic and military supremacy.
The coup and subsequent events seriously undermined the enosis movement.
These events undermine not only the art world's good will, but also its trust.
The event undermined the belief that American technological superiority which the defence of the west relied on, was even with the Soviets.
The events of the past few weeks have undoubtedly harmed the European Union and weakened Britain's standing and undermined her influence.
Mr. Kinzer also shows how recent events have undermined the rationale for military control.