The barrels, found in storage in the port of Lagos, contained toxic waste including polychlorinated biphenyls, and their eventual shipment back to Italy led to protests closing three Italian ports.
High-level radioactive waste, like spent fuel rods or coolant from reactors, will continue to be stored at the reactors for eventual shipment to a storage center the Federal Government is planning to build in Nevada.
Recently attention has turned to possible terrorist attacks on the Indian Point spent-fuel pools, where old irradiated fuel is stored awaiting eventual shipment off site.
The company envisions tapping into one of the richest coal veins in the United States, here in the Kaiparowits Plateau area, and then trucking the ore 240 miles to a railhead for eventual shipment to Asia.
At issue were supplies that Arnold had ordered seized from merchants in Montreal and sent to Chambly for eventual shipment south as part of the retreat.
There are reports of increased trafficking of unrefined coca base and cocaine up the coastal Pan-American Highway to Colombian-controlled laboratories in Ecuador, eventual shipment to Colombia and finally to the United States.
This would allow boats to connect from there to the Trent-Severn Waterway for eventual shipment south.
When Factory Two became self-sustaining, Factory One, its primary task accomplished, switched to mass-production mode, producing goods and materials for eventual shipment to the alien home planet.
The official said the arms agreement between Bosnia and Iran also provides for eventual shipments of heavy weapons, but there is no indication that Iran has sent any arms to Bosnia since last year's peace agreement.
Lobb found this expedition exhausting and the eventual shipment back to England was disappointing with only one significant new discovery, a magenta flowering perennial Calandrinia umbellata.