It failed to attract critical or popular support and may have been a factor in De Garis' eventual suicide.
So while Helena still lives, he sets the stage for eventual successful suicide.
There has been much debate over the reasons for Sensei's eventual suicide.
The black boy is a thief and liar who is indirectly responsible for the son's eventual suicide.
This tells a story of a senior politician who became involved in corruption and organized crime, his drinking problem and eventual suicide.
The poem, written just five months before her eventual suicide, thus, not surprisingly given its name as well, is one of her Ariel poems.
Poverty and despair and perhaps eventual suicide were all that was in store for them.
Nevertheless, clinical experience suggests that the risk of eventual suicide even in 'typical' self-cutters is often high.
The lyrics suggest a man's contemplation of his eventual suicide.
By adopting an alien math, Enoch is able to compute that the world will go to war and eventual nuclear suicide.