Mr. Arafat did eventually authorize his negotiators to engage in talks in Taba that used the Clinton proposal as a foundation.
The Lockheed team will probably come out ahead financially only if Congress eventually authorizes money for at least several hundred of the planes.
The lawyers did not make the trip, and Ms. Reno eventually authorized the death penalty.
President Clinton eventually authorized buying up to 458 planes for the Marines, Air Force and Navy, with 360 of them going to the Marines.
Washington responded slowly, eventually authorizing a survey of irrigation practices.
The Legislature eventually authorized the latest attempt to appear on the November 2, 2010 ballot.
Guccione eventually authorized an R-rated cut, released in 1981, 105 minutes long, which earned the film a wider distribution.
The deadlines, and the hiring targets, became part of the legislation that eventually authorized the program.
The government eventually authorized the creation of three new landfill sites near Toronto, one of which was located on prime farmland.
Congress eventually authorized the construction of five military wagon roads in Oregon.