The second category contained the force that would eventually bear his name.
Irene would eventually bear thirteen of Verlan's 58 children.
However it isyou, Jora'h, who must eventually bear all this responsibility.
Unlike Maria, Ruth had no limit in her mind as to the number of children she would eventually bear.
This was the first of four visits which Adamson was to make to the school that would eventually bear his name.
In 1865 Ludington started to plat out the layout of the city that would eventually bear his name.
The two fall in love and Violente eventually bears a boy.
Louis Altheimer brought his brother Joseph with him to the land that would eventually bear their name.
Sam's wife Katherine joined him and they had six children in the small community that would eventually bear the family name.
The crossroads it sat near would eventually bear the same name, Cashtown.