If so, though, how do they eventually colonize neighboring vent fields?
He believed humans would eventually colonize the Milky Way galaxy.
Perhaps we will eventually colonize both.
Galaxies are created, stars, solar systems,-planets cool, primitive life emerges, intelligent creatures evolve and eventually colonize and dvilize other planets, orbiting other suns.
Same way, they have only used and milked wealthy but unwise Americans towards their own goals to eventually colonize Afghanistan.
The mining industry asserts that the boreal forest will eventually colonize the reclaimed lands, but their operations are massive and work on long-term timeframes.
Japan eventually colonized Korea, but Chinese merchants and laborers kept gravitating here; several thousand lived here by the end of Japanese rule in 1945.
The Zeus project represents the beginning of a major effort by NASA and NATO to explore and eventually colonize the outer planets.
Not only this, but a later encounter with the flagship of the "Harvesters," the name given to the enemy, reveals that the robots were sent out by the people of Earth, the same planet humans originated from, whose colonists would eventually colonize Mejere, Taraak, and countless other planets.