As a private teacher he eventually commanded one of the best classes in Dublin.
On 25 February 1918, he was withdrawn back to Germany, where he eventually commanded a home defense squadron until war's end.
Between the wars he rose through the ranks to eventually command the Regiment from 1937 to 1940.
He eventually commanded the 26th Regiment in the First Division as lieutenant colonel.
Harari eventually commanded three Caesarea teams of around 12 members each.
He would, instead, speak at length, and she would eventually command him to sit down, to which he always complied, never pushing her too much.
She eventually commanded two military intelligence battalions, in Germany and Hawaii.
Euphemistically referred to as "roe," the organs can eventually command more than $100 a pound.
He attained the rank of officer and eventually commanded 27 ships.
Jack and Barbossa eventually command different sides of the ship, often while issuing orders simultaneously.