In a conventional lamp, the evaporated tungsten eventually condenses on the inner surface of the glass envelope, darkening it.
This extra humidity will eventually condense on insulation, timbers and metal, causing them to deteriorate, rot or rust.
The bubbles condense into droplets which attach to salt crystals and other particles in the atmosphere and eventually form clouds.
It's more compact than the gas; in fact, if you compress the gas at constant room temperature it will eventually condense to the liquid.
That portion, however, which had vaporized could condense and eventually collect into a single world.
Water vapor that ends up in clouds eventually condenses into water droplets and precipitates as rain, sleet, hail or snow.
It cools and rises, becoming clouds, which eventually condense into water droplets.
Stars take shape within huge dust clouds when interstellar gases contract under their own gravity, eventually condensing into hot clumps that ignite the hydrogen fusion process.
Interstellar clouds eventually condense into solar nebulae and solar systems such as ours.
The silanol is unstable and will eventually condense to give a polymer network and water.