On 15 December 1982 the health dispute collapsed and the unions eventually consented to a two-year agreement which could have been accepted months earlier.
Her family was initially against this but eventually consented to her wish and arranged the wedding.
The customer considered this for a few seconds, eventually consenting to 9 1/2.
The schools eventually consented to release the data and no report cards were issued that year.
To end the stalemate on hospital closings, lawmakers eventually consented to put those decisions in the hands of a commission.
Though he refused many times, Vlad eventually consented and made her a vampire.
After threatening to fight a subpoena, he eventually consented to testify both privately and publicly.
Despite the English food, he eventually consented to have me move into his apartment in the Village.
Her parents eventually consented, perhaps out of fear that she was getting older and no other suitor was in sight.
The organizers continued to persuade the family, and after demonstrating the event's success, the Yun family eventually consented.